Tuesday, January 20, 2009


Things that made my day, even though I was a little grouch.
1. BARACK OBAMA IS OUR PRESIDENT! Offically, wonderfully, happily, I'm ecstatic. It's one of the best things that will ever, EVER happen in my lifetime. We (Americans) made history today. Barack Obama made history today. He is our president, give him a chance.
2. Seeing my boy. Always makes my day.
3. Cassidi Marie and everything she does. the fact that she loves me makes me happy. We have a new notebook, and her leaving me a comment & the fact that her verification was Brack made me smile. I love that girl with my entire heart.
4. Stephanie. I've missed her a lot.
5. What Blake left Shay. It was the sweetest thing ever. Made me all giddy inside. What they have is amazing, and I hope to have what they have, because I know it's forever.
Sorry I was a grouch guys.

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Let's pretend we're artists and everything we feel is something new to be proud of. Let's take our imaginary friends on a double date and ditch them in a movie and hope they get along while we kiss outside on the sidewalk. Let's take the dreams you mumbled in your sleep and paint a child's nursery. And if we don't finish today, we've always got tomorrow.

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