Monday, January 12, 2009

You can love all you can. You can do what you can. You can care all you can. But, in the end, who you end up hurting isn't something you can choose. You can't save everyone, someone is going to get hurt, no matter how much you don't want them to. But, you can't think of everyone else all of the time. Sometimes, you just have to think about what's best for you, how you can make your life better. And, if you save someone else from hurting, well, you've done the best you can do.

Dear Angela,

I know in the past I’ve caused you pain, and I’m sorry. And I’ll always be sorry til the day I die. And I hate this pen I’m holding, because I should be holding you. I hate this paper under my hand because it isn’t even you. I even hate this letter because it’s not the whole truth. Because the whole truth is so much more than a letter can even say. If you wanna hate me, go ahead. If you wanna burn this letter, do it. You could burn the whole world down. You could tell me to go to hell. I’d go. If you wanted me to. And I’d send you a letter from there.

Sincerely, Jordan Catalano

-My So Called Life

You love somebody and then you don’t love them anymore. But if you really love somebody, you always love them, don’t you? Isn’t there always some small part of you that reads their horoscope in the paper everyday?

You may not know it yet, maybe you’ll never even think about it, but I’m special. You’re going to meet a lot of girls throughout your life, and a lot of them will be special to you. But I’m telling you right now, you’ll never find another me.

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